
North Korea moves missiles to coastal area

North Korea has reportedly moved an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) towards its west coast, as the US said Pyongyang was “begging” for war.
North Korea had been spotted moving a rocket that appeared to be an ICBM towards its west coast, South Korea’s Asia Business Daily, citing an unidentified source, reported on Tuesday.

President Trump warns US is ready to defend itself against North Korea by all means

U.S. President Donald Trump says his country is prepared to defend itself and allies “using the full range of diplomatic, conventional, and nuclear capabilities” after North Korea’s test of what it called a hydrogen bomb capable of being loaded on a long-range missile.

North Korea shakes world with hydrogen bomb

North Korea said it detonated a hydrogen bomb designed for a long-range missile on Sept. 2 and called its sixth and most powerful nuclear test a "perfect success," sparking world condemnation and promises of tougher U.S. sanctions.

Pyongyang residents threw their arms aloft in triumph as a jubilant television newsreader hailed the "unprecedentedly large" blast.

Mapped: The countries with the World’s most dangerous missiles (interactive map)


What’s more dangerous than a nuclear warhead? An ultra-long-range missile capable of delivering that nuclear warhead to distant shores.

And now, that’s exactly what North Korea’s rogue communist regime has, making it the seventh country in the world to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles, or ICBMs.
