Mladen Ivanić

Vucevic: US embassy demonstrated fundamental lack of knowledge of Dayton Agreement

BELGRADE - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said on Tuesday evening he was not surprised by a negative reaction from the US embassy in Sarajevo to the recent All-Serbian Assembly in Belgrade but that he was surprised the embassy had demonstrated a fundamental lack of knowledge of the Dayton Agreement and the Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitution, especially when it comes to property belonging to the coun

"Change the approach towards Serbia; It's not fair..."

In an interview with HINA, Szijjrt stated that Russia is not a threat to any NATO member.
The head of Hungarian diplomacy was in Petrinja yesterday, where he opened a new elementary school, built after the devastating earthquake that hit this Croatian city at the end of 2020, for the construction of which Hungary donated almost 22 million euros.

Dodik's Luxury Limo Stands Out in Bosnian Election

Among the many politicians driving around Bosnia in the campaign for the general elections on October 7, Milorad Dodik, Bosnian Serb president and candidate for the Serbian seat on Bosnia's state presidency is riding the costliest limo of all, according to a BIRN database of cars in government ownership.

Bosnian Serb Opposition Unites to Challenge Dodik's Rule

Three major Bosnian Serb opposition parties, along with six other political groups, joined forces on Monday in an attempt to defeat the coalition centred around Republika Srpska President Milorad Dodik's Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, SNSD, which has been in power in the entity for 12 years.
