Mladen Ivanić

Bosnian Serb Parties Haggle Over Dodik's Successor

As Bosnia starts preparing for autumn general elections, only one candidate's name is known for now, that of Mladen Ivanic.

The current member of Bosnia's state presidency will be the candidate of the main opposition bloc in the country's mainly Serbian entity, Republika Srpska, the Alliance for Changes.

Bosnian Defence Official Fired Over Serb Troop Display

Bosnia's House of Representatives voted on Thursday to dismiss deputy defence minister Sead Jusic, who was accused of breaching the law for agreeing to allow a Bosnian Army presence at January's anniversary celebration of the establishment of Bosnia's Serb-dominated entity Republika Srpska despite a Constitutional Court ban.

Bosnian Serb MPs Stage Boycott Over Serbia Genocide Case

Lawmakers from Bosnia's two largest Serb-led parties boycotted Thursday's session in the state parliament because of what they described as a constitutional crisis over a proposed appeal against the 2007 judgment in Bosnia and Herzegovina's case against Serbia at the International Court of Justice.
