
Turkey's 'windows to the West'

İzmir Mayor Aziz Kocaoğlu describes his Aegean city as "Turkey's window to the West." One would like to think that in these days, when the European Parliament has recommended freezing accession talks with Turkey, there is still a window opening to the West on this land. 

Moody's rating downgrade not related to defeated coup, but ongoing structural problems: Şimşek

Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek has said the July 15 coup attempt was not the main cause behind the Moody's rating downgrade but rather that ongoing structural problems were to blame, adding that Turkey would overcome these issues and make efforts to address structural problems rather than succumb to emotions after the downgrade.

Junking Turkey

Everyone agrees that if the coup attempt on July 15 had succeeded, Turkey's economy would have gone into a tailspin. The steps taken by the government under its "emergency rule," however, also appear to be achieving the same result. 

Turkey's response to the Moody's decision

Credit ratings agency Moody's has downgraded Turkey's sovereign credit rating to non-investment grade.

What does that mean? This is an issue for economists and I am not an economist.

So why am I writing about this subject? I do so because I find the statement after the decision by Mehmet Şimşek, the deputy prime minister responsible for the economy, very important.

Moody's: Political uncertainty in Turkey poses minimal risk for non-Turkish companies

The credit profiles of most non-Turkish companies from the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region with operations in Turkey will be largely unaffected by the political uncertainty in the country, Moody's Investors Service said in a report on Sept. 5.
