
New trial for four Afghans over Moria camp fire

Four Afghans who were sentenced to 10 years in prison for the fire at the Moria refugee camp on Lesvos in 2020 will be back in the dock on Monday for a second trial at the Mixed Jury Court of Appeal of the North Aegean.

The fire in the overcrowded camp, which housed four times its capacity, had started after riots on the night of September 8, 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Moria arson appeal trial postponed to Wednesday

The trial in the second instance at the Mixed Jury Court of Appeal of the North Aegean regarding the arson of the Moria migrant camp on the island of Lesvos on September 9, 2020, has been deferred to Wednesday.

The four Afghan defendants have been sentenced to 10 years in prison by a criminal court on the nearby island of Chios.

Mitsotakis pledges to move fast with creation of permanent migrant centre in Lesvos

The Greek government will move swiftly with a tender for the construction of a new up-to-standard center for the reception and identification of migrants on the eastern Aegean island of Lesvos, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said on Thursday.

NGO sued over Lesvos post

The Regional Authority of the Northern Aegean said on Monday that it was taking legal action against a nongovernment organization called Moria Corona Awareness Team after it referred to "the Greek side of the island" of Lesvos in a post on its Facebook page last Thursday, thereby implying that there is a non-Greek side of the island. 

Protesting asylum seekers in Lesvos ask to be moved amid infection fears

Asylum seekers residing at the reception and identification center in Moria, Lesvos, staged a protest on Wednesday asking Greek athorities to be moved off the island, as they fear they risk being infected with the coronavirus by staying in the overcrowded camp.

The protestors stood outside the camp holding banners that read "Freedom for all. We are exposed to Covid-19."

Young refugees leaving Lesvos for the mainland and Germany

Twenty unaccompanied refugee minors were scheduled to leave the overcrowded camp of Moria on Lesvos island on Tuesday for mainland Greece, from where they will depart for Germany and relocation there on April 18.
In addition, another 20 asylum applicants are also leaving for Piraeus through a program of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, to be housed in facilities on the mainland.
