Mosquito-borne disease

Two New Cases of West Nile Fever in Bulgaria

Two new cases of West Nile fever in Bulgaria. The infection was confirmed after research by the Centre for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases.

The patients are a 2-year-old child from Burgas and a 64-year-old man from Montana. They have inflammation of the brain.

With the new patients, there are already four cases of West Nile fever in Bulgaria.

West Nile virus death toll since June rises to six

The number of deaths caused by West Nile virus in Greece so far this year has risen to six, according to the weekly report by the National Health Organization (EODY), which was published Wednesday.
The report said the number of cases of the mosquito-borne virus recorded since June was 49 - 14 in the last week alone. The six people who died were all over the age of 60.

Precautionary measures urged over West Nile virus

The Athens Medical Association (ISA) has expressed concern about the spread of West Nile virus and is urging the public to take all necessary precautions.
In a statement, it noted that there were 316 reported cases of the mosquito-borne infection last year, and that 50 of them were fatal. Most of the deaths, it said, were recorded in Attica.

West Nile death toll rises to 31 after 4 more deaths

Four people died last week as a result of complications after contracting the West Nile virus, bringing the death toll across Greece from the beginning of the year to 31, according to authorities.

According to a weekly report issued by the Hellenic Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO), reported cases reached 271 over on Satuday.

Number of West Nile infections grows

Health officials in Greece have confirmed 17 new cases of West Nile virus this week, bringing this summer's total to 60 reported cases.

Three people, all over the age of 70, have died so far this week after being infected with the mosquito-borne virus, according to data released Thursday by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (KEELPNO).

Denmark resident tests positive for Zika virus: DR

A Denmark resident who travelled outside Denmark has tested positive for mosquito-transmitted Zika virus, the national broadcaster DR reported on Jan. 27, citing health officials.

Health authorities from second largest Danish city, Aarhus, said the patient travelled to South and Central America where the Zika virus has taken hold, DR said. It did not elaborate. 
