National security

Brussels Jewish Museum Gunman Detained, Possible Jihadist Link

A 29-year old French citizen, Mehdi Nemmouche, has been arrested in connection with the shooting at a Jewish museum in Brussels, which left 3 people dead.

The man, who is suspected to be connected to a Syrian jihadist group, was caught on CCTV cameras and later detained at a train station in Marseille, Euronews reported.

Government adopts bill on travel documents

BELGRADE - The Serbian government adopted at Monday's session a bill amending the law on travel documents to make it compliant with European Union regulations.

The bill scraps the so-called exit visas, the government press office said.

Also scrapped are seaman's books and maritime passports, whose holders will be now able to travel with standard passports, the statement said.

Man shot dead in Korydallos

Police were investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of a 31-year-old man in Korydallos, eastern Athens, in the early hours of Wednesday.

Initial reports suggested the man was at a local restaurant when an unknown assailant shot him twice before fleeing the scene of the crime on foot.
