Nationalist terrorism

AKP's Syrian priorities remain confused

The report by McClatchy, the U.S. publishing company, alleging that Turkish intelligence tipped off the al Qaeda-affiliated al-Nusra Front, and led to the recent routing by the group of opposition forces trained in Turkey by the U.S., has seriously ruffled Ankara?s feathers.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Tanju Bilgic said the report was an ?ill-intentioned and lowly slander.?

Turkey's recurring nightmare

Turkey is moving backwards again with regards to its Kurdish problem. President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an is twanging nationalist chords and saying it is not possible to go on with the Kurdish peace process. He is also stoking sentiments against the pro-Kurdish Peoples? Democratic Party (HDP), which got 13 percent of the vote in the June 7 elections.

EU's Mogherini urges Turkey to keep Kurdish peace process alive

The European Union?s top diplomat has voiced support for Turkey?s ongoing operations against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in Syria and outlawed Kurdistan Workers? Party (PKK) camps in Iraq, while emphasizing the utmost need for keeping the Kurdish peace process alive.

Foreign policy could lock up AKP-CHP talks

As the Turkish military plays with time to fulfil a government directive to intervene in Syria in order to establish a security strip there, foreign policy issues? importance rise in the agenda of coalition talks between the incumbent Justice and Development Party (AK Parti) and the social democratic Republican People?s Party (CHP), which are  expected to start later this week.
