
Republic concert by State Opera Ballet

The Istanbul State Opera and Ballet will celebrate the 99th anniversary of the Turkish Republic with a concert at the Atatürk Cultural Center (AKM). Murat Kodallı will be the conductor of the orchestra and Paolo Villa will be the conductor of the choir of the concert, while Nazlı Deniz Süren will take part as a soloist.


State Opera Ballet, Art,

Foreign caregivers become harder to find due to pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic and sudden jump in exchange rates have put Turkish families behind the eight ball since foreign babysitters and housekeepers are paid mostly with dollars.

Finding an affordable babysitter in Istanbul has become what can be called a gladiatorial experience for new families as they would like to have a live-in nanny due to the pandemic.

Journalists' trial over alleged Gülen links starts

Seventeen suspects, including jailed journalists Nazlı Ilıcak, Ahmet Altan and Mehmet Altan, for the first time appeared before court in Istanbul on June 19, in a case into the alleged "media leg" of what prosecutors call the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), believed to be behind the July 15, 2016 coup attempt.