NEOS – The New Austria and Liberal Forum

Austria: A historic victory for the far right with the slogan “Fortress Country” – Why the Auschwitz committee raised alarm across Europe

Herbert Kickl, leader of Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ), described the historic victory in Sunday’s elections as the beginning of a new era.

Kickl’s party secured 29.2% of the vote and 58 seats in parliament, although this does not grant them a majority (Austria’s parliament has 183 seats).

Changes expected in police force’s leadership

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is convening a meeting of the Government Council for National Security (KYSEA) on Tuesday that is expected to bring major changes to the Greek police force's leadership.

The meeting was convened in the wake of the gangland-style assassination of a crime boss in the central Athens district of Neos Kosmos on Sunday.

Schengen Entry in Limbo: Bulgaria-Austria Negotiations Stalled

Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov clarified that ongoing negotiations with Austria have yet to yield a finalized agreement for Bulgaria's accession to Schengen by air. Speaking to bTV, Denkov emphasized the necessity for compliance with general European regulations, dismissing the prospect of Bulgaria adhering to specific rules exclusive to the nation.