
Serbia-Bulgaria natural gas interconnector launched

NIS - The presidents of Serbia, Bulgaria and Azerbaijan - Aleksandar Vucic, Rumen Radev and Ilham Aliyev - and the head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Emanuele Giaufret launched a Serbia-Bulgaria natural gas interconnector on Sunday.

At a ceremony at the Trupale natural gas station near Nis, they pressed a button together to put the gas pipeline into operation.

Montenegro Commemorates Family Murdered While Fleeing Bosnia

The commemoration near the town of Pluzine on Thursday. Photo: Youth Initiative for Human Rights.

The three Bosniaks were murdered in the Piva River canyon near Pluzine after escaping from the Serb-held town of Foca in eastern Bosnia.

The killers were members of the Bosnian Serb Army's Dragan Nikolic special unit.

Nikolic to put forward 5-6 people as members of new council

BELGRADE- Outgoing Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said Thursday he would put forward at least five or six people as members of a national council to be tasked with cooperation with Russia and China.

Speaking to Sputnik, Nikolic, who is set to retire on May 31, said he would chair the council without fee.
