Orthopedic surgery

Surgeon of century saves ‘unrecoverable’ leg

Prof. Dr. Afksendiyos Kalangos, whose name is among the "heart surgeons of the century," managed to save Merve's leg, which has been said to be "unrecoverable."

Merve Ay, 23, who lives in the southeastern province of Diyarbakır, struggled for 12 years with a vascular tumor that was detected in the heel of her left foot when she was only 8 years old.

Surgeons Removed a 6-Kilogram Tumor from a Man's Thigh

A 6-kilogram tumor from the thigh of a 64-year-old patient has been removed by a team of specialists at the Military Medical Academy, according to the hospital.

The rare and complicated operation, which lasted for 3 hours, was successfully performed thanks to the good work between the specialists in orthopedics, vascular surgery and radiology at the Military Medical Academy.

Part of ceiling collapses, injures visitor in Piraeus hospital

A woman visiting her son at the Nikea hospital in Piraeus was injured on Thursday night after chunks of the ceiling fell off, the national union of public hospital workers (POEDIN) said in a statement on Friday.

POEDIN said the woman's son, who was being treated at the orthopaedic clinic, was scheduled to undergo an operation on Friday.

Two of the Victims of the Chain Crash Near Ihtiman are Heavily Injured

Two of the victims of Trakia Motorway chain crash are heavily injured and in real danger to life, reported BGNES.

According to Slavcho Bliznakov, Executive Director of ''St.Anna'' 15 people were hospitalized two of which are children.

Another two patients are in a serious health condition. Both have fractures in the neck. They are 45 years old.

Leskovac: Injured migrants are recovering well

LESKOVAC - The injured illegal migrants admitted to Leskovac general hospital are not in a life-threatening condition and their recovery is going well, hospital director Nebojsa Dimitrijevic told Tanjug on Wednesday.

A total of 29 migrants from Bangladesh, Ghana, Nigeria, Burma, Syria and Algeria are hospitalized in the surgical, orthopedic and ENT departments, he specified.