Outline of Catalonia

Detained Separatist Leader Jordi Sanchez was Proposed for Prime Minister of Catalonia

The President of the Catalan Parliament, Roger Torrent, has proposed Jordi Sanchez as a candidate for prime minister after Carles Puigdemont withdrew his candidacy.

53-year-old Jordi Sanchez has little chance of becoming Catalan prime minister because of conflicts in the separatist camp and because he is in jail.

Catalan Towns and Villages Boycotted the National Holiday

Municipalities in more than 100 settlements in the Spanish Autonomous area of Catalonia have decided today to be a working day, even though the national holiday of Spain is celebrated, reported the daily newspaper "Periodio", the day is not working for the whole country. However, Girona, Badalona, Berga ignored the holiday Nova TV reported.

Collisions between Police and Voters in Catalonia, there are Injured People

The number of injured people by the police operation in Catalonia is at least 337, local services said.

Earlier, Spanish media reported that police have detained protesters in Barcelona and used rubber bullets to disperse them. They also reported that there were injured citizens.

The Catalan Separatists Brought a Bill for a Possible Separation from Spain

The coalition of the separatist parties 'Together for YES' and 'Candidates for People's Unity' who rule in the Spanish province of Catalonia have submitted to the regional parliament a law that should serve as a transitional constitution if a decision to separate from Spain is taken in a forthcoming referendum, The Associated Press reported.