
Greek tourism industry hit by taxation

Greek tourism industry faces the risk of falling into a disinvestment orbit unless the state offered tax incentives, Iason Perdios, chief executive of Louis Hotels told AMNA. In an interview, Perdios noted that high taxation combined with high social insurance contributions and constant changes in tax legislation were the basic factors of discouraging would-be investors to build new hotels in t

Banging the drum for ouzo

Literature scholars believe the name ouzo to come from the ancient Greek verb "to smell," or "ozo." Romantics prefer to think it comes from the phrase "Ou zo," or "Without this I can't live." Others see its roots in the Turkish word for grape, "uzum," and others say it can be traced back to a story about a Turkish consulate doctor in Thessaly in the 18th century who tasted the local raki and cr

Beautiful cafés in Greece

Cafés in Greece is not just an entertainment place, it is a meeting point, a place where you discuss with friends your problems and current affairs and plays a big role in Greek culture.

For years the Greek traditional café, called kafenion, was a place were mainly men used to gather to drink Greek coffee, ouzo and tsipouro, play cards or backgammon (tavli) while discussing politics.

Blue moon beyond borders

Leros is quiet and tranquil. The little seaside cafes are not crowded; there is a fresh breeze. It is nice to be away from Bodrum's maddening crowd and traffic, all so unbearable with late July's suffocating heat wave.

Topless activists drink ouzo, dance outside Bundestag for Greece “ja”! (watch video)

Three activists, former members of the shock protest group Femen, protested topless on Friday in Berlin outside the Bundestag in favor of Greece, at the same time that debate on an extension of the Greek program was taking place in the federal legislature.
