
Time to right a wrong

The so-called Paraskevopoulos law (introduced in 2015 by the justice minister at the time, Nikos Paraskevopoulos) and other measures introduced by the leftist-led administration have undermined security by leading to the release from prison of major organized crime players, as well as dangerous criminals.

Before more blood is shed

The results of the government's policy on crime have been devastating. The so-called Paraskevopoulos law (introduced in 2015 by the justice minister at the time, Nikos Paraskevopoulos) has led to the release from prison of major organized crime players, as well as dangerous criminals.

This free pass has had an incalculable cost.

Koufodinas may be granted temporary release on Thursday

Dimitris Koufodinas, a member of the November 17 terrorist organization sentenced to consecutive life terms for his role in 11 assassinations, may be released temporarily on furlough on Thursday.

Koufodinas's previous request for leave had been rejected despite the fact that it was backed by the authorities at Korydallos Prison, where he is serving his sentence.
