
Igor Juric: "I want to warn parents from Uzice and Pozega ..." VIDEO

"M. C. who raped a minor in 2006 is at large again. What we received as confidential information is that he is a very aggressive person, with a low threshold of tolerance and with highly deviant sexual behavior. So, I want to warn parents from Uzice and Pozega, because he is moving in that territory, not to leave the children alone in the late evening", Juric said, reports Rina.

Revised penal code foresees stricter penalties for many

Justice Minister Kostas Tsiaras on Wednesday heralded the submission of a series of amendments for the revised penal code, which is expected to go before a vote in Parliament next week, including stricter penalties for convicted pedophiles, human traffickers and those found guilty of breach of faith.

Nearly 100,000 Computers Spreading Child Pornography Were Found in Russia

They are established by the US non-governmental organization "Coalition for the Rescue of Children", reported NOVA TV. 
The US-based Coalition for the Rescue of Children, which helps law enforcement officials from different countries to establish online pedophiles, has found nearly 100,000 computers in Russia spreading child pornography, according to BGNES.
