Philosophy of mind

Athens Archbishop sends Easter message to Greece’s clergy        

Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens sent a message for Greek Orthodox Easter to the country's clergy on Tuesday.

"We remain shocked by the tragedy at Tempe. A painful reflection of the many griefs we all carry with us, it has accompanied this year's path to Easter. It has sealed our conscience. It has led many to ponder the big questions," he said.

A waste of energy

A frenzy of self-flagellation by those trying to understand Greece's weaknesses and the torrent of rage and accusations against those responsible (in fact as well as in our minds) form the two poles of the public discussion that has followed the tragedy at Tempe.

Antibodies against the virus

Two years of extremely painful and damaging restrictions that were imposed to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus ought to have left some kind of imprint on the collective conscience.

Now that we are seeing a resurgence of the threat, self-protection ought to come automatically, as a reflex, both from the part of the authorities and on the part of the citizens.

Society’s part

The country has been put on ice, yet there are those who couldn't care less. People who flout the law either out of a lack of discipline or to turn a profit should be severely punished.

Editorial: Better to remain silent

Regarding things about which you cannot speak it is best to remain silent.

One need not have delved into the writings of Wittgenstein to understand this self-event truth which, alas, some government ministers and cadres appear to have ignored.

Their frequent appearances and presence in the media cannot be explained otherwise.
