
The era of asymmetric threats

Kyriakos Mitsotakis would never have expected to star in a Greek edition of the perfect storm. Yet fate and events have put the Greek prime minister in charge of the country at a very crucial moment. He has shown determination in dealing with the migration/refugee issue, which has also bolstered his political image.

Top prize in ‘Philotimo’ competition goes to Massachusetts high-school senior

The Washington Oxi Day Foundation, a nonprofit focused on commemorative events promoting Greek culture and history, has announced the winners of its Philotimo Scholarship Competition, in which it asked Greek-American students across the United States to describe the Greek word "philotimo."

Greek exceptionalism

During the first decade of this century, Greece felt like a country where things were happening. Businesses were flourishing, the headline economic indicators were rosy and Greece was a proud new member of the core of Europe. The 2004 Olympic Games in many ways epitomized a unique way of Greek achievement.

BBC: The “mystery” of the Greek word philotimo (video)

There is a Chinese proverb that says a picture is worth a thousand words. But what if you come across a word that can’t be translated into other languages. The Greek word “Philotimo” has often been rendered as “Love of honour” in the English language, but this interpretation fails to encapsulate the true meaning of the world.