Police brutality

A narcissist curse?

It was as if there was an undeclared curfew. Early in the morning [May 31], Istanbul police closed down all major roads leading to Gezi Park, the sparking point of the 2013 nationwide anti-government protests. Why? The obsessive majoritarian government of the elected neo-sultan did not want people gather and remember the nine young sons of this country who fell victim to brutal governance.

Turkey's war of perceptions

Members and supporters of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) continually repeat the claim that there is what they call a ?perception operation? against President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and the government of Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu.

Security footage shows police officers firing teargas canisters that left research assistant blind

Security footage has emerged appearing to show two police officers firing tear gas canisters from close range at a crowd during the summer 2013 Gezi Park protests, which hit research assistant Burak Ünveren and left him blind in his left eye.

Amnesty Gives Balkans Mixed Verdict on Rights

The latest report published by international campaign group Amnesty International on Wednesday said attacks on the gay community were handled inappropriately by justice systems throughout the Balkans and Roma continue to face discrimination.

The latest State of the World's Human Rights report profiled the state of human rights in 160 countries and territories in 2014.
