Political parties by country

PSD's Ciolacu: Snap elections, only solution, we do not govern with PNL or USR PLUS

Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Marcel Ciolacu affirms that snap elections are the only solution, because the current Parliament "no longer reflects the will of Romanians", adding that the Social Democrats would not form a government with the National Liberal Party (PNL) and Save Romania Union-Unity, Freedom and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS).

USR PLUS' Barna: Coalition cannot function if only one of its members meets objectives

Certain issues assumed in the governing program "did not take any step further", Save Romania Union-Unity, Freedom and Solidarity Party (USR PLUS) co-chair Dan Barna told public broadcaster TVR on Wednesday evening, stressing that a coalition cannot function if "a partner (...) ticks all its political goals and another partner stands by and applauds overcome with emotion".

Opposition wants parliament to discuss developments at Pošta Slovenije

Ljubljana – The deputy group of the opposition Social Democrats (SD) will request a session of the parliamentary Commission for Public Finance Oversight to discuss management of national postal company Pošta Slovenije. The announcement comes a day after news broke that two management board members and two supervisors had resigned.

Opposition announce vote of no confidence in education minister

Ljubljana – Four centre-left parties are planning to file a motion to vote Education Minister Simona Kustec out of office, arguing that two weeks before the start of the new school year, it is still not clear how primary and secondary schools will organise the education process while the epidemiological situation in the country is deteriorating.

Reporter says Marjan Šarec was at his peak long ago

Ljubljana – Reporter says in its latest commentary that Marjan Šarec, the former prime minister, is trying to establish himself as the leading politician on the left while he is clinging on the brink of political relevance as he is far from his peak from four years ago, when he entered the political arena.

Ciolos: Assessment of Gov't, Prime Minister, to be conducted after PNL and USR PLUS internal elections

Co-chair of Save Romania Union - Unity, Freedom and Solidarity (USR PLUS) Dacian Ciolos said on Tuesday that an assessment for the entire government, including the prime minister, starting from the objectives assumed by the government programme will have to be conducted within the coalition, after the internal elections within the National Liberal Party (PNL) and the party he represents.

Minister Ghinea: No danger for the government to fall

Minister of European Investments and Projects Cristian Ghinea (USR PLUS) declared on Friday in the western city of Timisoara that there is no danger that the government could fall. "The government is incapable to carry out reforms the way we, at USR PLUS, would want them done, they way they were agreed in the governing program. The reason for this failure?

Barna: There's no way I can be happy with coalition's governing manner; many goals still unaccomplished

Deputy Prime Minister and USR PLUS Co-Chairman Dan Barna said today that he is not happy with the ruling coalition's governing manner, as many of the goals set at the beginning of the term have not been accomplished; he also remarked that a great part of these goals "have been somewhat conditioned on the clarification of the National Liberal Party's leadership".

Opposition sceptical about govt’s ability to deliver on EU presidency

Ljubljana – Prime Minister Janez Janša’s presentation of Slovenia’s EU presidency priorities at the National Assembly on Monday elicited criticism from the centre-left opposition parties. Some described it as short on detail, others expressed doubt about whether the government can deliver.
