
Pope under pressure to roll back on abuse case bishop

Pope Francis's decision to appoint a Chilean bishop suspected of protecting a pedophile priest has alarmed the Vatican's own child protection watchdog Pope Francis's decision to appoint a Chilean bishop suspected of protecting a pedophile priest has alarmed the Vatican's own child protection watchdog, its members told AFP.

Obama to host Pope Francis on September 23

US President Barack Obama will host Pope Francis at the White House on September 23, accepting an invitation extended during talks at the Vatican last year.
The White House said the president and the pope will continue a dialogue about poverty, the environment, immigration and promoting religious freedom.

Pope Aims to Strike Peaceful Note in Bosnia

Weeks ahead of the eagerly-expected arrival of Pope Francis in Sarajevo, Bosnia's Roman Catholic Primate, Cardinal Archbishop Vinko Puljic, has revealed the first official organizational details.

During his visit to the Bosnian capital on June 6, Pope Francis is scheduled to hold an open air mass and meet political leaders.

Vatican security chief: ISIS a threat to Pope

The head of the Vatican’s security forces believes ISIS is a threat to the primate of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis.


According to the Catholic website “Crux”, Domenico Gianni referred to a “visible threat” on the Pope’s life by ISIS, while he stated that the Vatican’s security force does not have knowledge of a specific plan.

