
"This time the end of history has really arrived"

Fukuyama, an American philosopher of Japanese origin, is also known for his book "The End of History and the Last Man", which he published in the early nineties, in which he argued that the progression of human history as a struggle between ideologies was largely at an end, with the world settling on liberal democracy after the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

Democracy will be tested, warns Francis Fukuyama

Here's how "The End of History and the Last Man," the 1992 best seller of political philosopher and Stanford University professor Francis Fukuyama, ends: "Perhaps this very prospect of centuries of boredom at the end of history will serve to get history started once again." Clearly, the engines of history restarted and have been working at warp speed in the past three decades.

Pennywise Inspired Halloween Party | Athens | October 28

The Romantso venue is organizing a Halloween party inspired by the creepy clown in Stephen King's best-selling novel "It," who has a knack for embodying everyone's worst nightmares. The theme coincides with screenings at Greek theaters of the book's latest film adaptation, directed by Andy Muschietti. Admission is free of charge and doors open at 11 p.m.

Today's Google Doodle is about the Man who Predicted the Internet

Google's Doodle have a fondness for celebrating legendary figures, but today's person of interest feels more appropriate for the venue than most. Reports TheVerge. 

The company hails Canadian professor, philosopher, and media sage Marshall McLuhan as a man who "saw the internet coming — and predicted just how much impact it would have." 

10 ridiculous ‘hipster’ restaurants (photos)

‘Hipster’ culture has swept across the globe ‘infecting’ mainly middle class youth and is generally associated with indie and alternative music, organic foods, progressive political views and fashion trends that range from vintage to thrift store-bought clothes, and of course facial hair of all types… But in some cases the whole ‘hipster’ sub-culture might go too far, or simply miss what it’s a