Prime Minister of South Korea

Scandal-rocked South Korean president replaces PM

South Korean President Park Geun-Hye replaced her prime minister and finance minister Nov. 2, as she scrambled to contain a damaging scandal over a close friend accused of meddling in state affairs.

The top-level reshuffle, which also saw a new public safety minister, was the latest attempt to appease growing public anger with the president and her administration.

Finance minister appointed as acting defense minister

Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has authorized Finance Minister Dusan Vujovic to perform the duties of the defense minister until a new one has been elected.

Earlier on Saturday, Vucic signed a proposal to dismiss Defense Minister Bratislav Gasic and sent it to the National Assembly, his cabinet confirmed.

South Korean PM Resigns over Bribery Accusations

South Korean President Park Geun-hye accepted on Monday the resignation of Prime Minister Lee Wan-koo, who had been accused of bribery.

Lee Wan-koo, who had been in office for slightly over two months, became the shortest serving prime minister of South Korea since the country became democratic in the late 1980s.
