Private university

Government unveils bill for private universities in Greece

Greek students enrolling at private branches of foreign universities founded in Greece will be required to go through the local nationwide university entrance exams and meet some minimum requirements in order to be offered a place, Education Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis said on Wednesday while unveiling draft legislation allowing the establishment of private universities in the country.

Footing the bill

The government could not have asked for better promotion of its bill allowing the establishment of private universities than that provided by the squatters at public universities.

Lawlessness, extensive graffiti, and violence are due to a minority that is holding them hostage.

Students, teachers to protest against establishment of private universities

A student and teacher rally will take place at noon Thursday at the Propylaea, central Athens, against the establishment of private universities.

At the same time, the Greek Federation of Secondary Education State School Teachers (OLME) has announced a three-hour work stoppage from 11 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon in order for teachers to participate in the demonstrations.
