Provinces of Turkey

Turkey welcomes New Year with snowfall

Western and central Turkish provinces welcomed a heavy snowfall on Dec. 30, which has affected transportation on main roads as well as air traffic.

Turkey's meteorology institute has warned citizens about possible problems resulting from the snowy weather that has hit many provinces, including Istanbul, Tekirdağ, Bolu, Bursa, Balıkesir, Çanakkale, Kastamonu, İzmir and Eskişehir.

Assembly of Romans finally comes to light

The İzmir Agora excavations have unearthed the Smyrna assembly, where decisions were made during the Roman Empire. The excavations have been carried out by Dokuz Eylül University Archaeology Department's Smyrna Ancient City excavation team and, so far, 50 percent of the area has been unearthed. The agora is expected to be completely unearthed in the next five years.

Winter tourism rises in Turkey, but more investments needed

The number of winter tourists in Turkey has doubled over the last decade, increasing from 2.7 million in 2004 to 4.8 million this year, but more investments are needed to realize the country's potential in the sector, said the latest Winter Tourism report of the Association of Turkish Travel Agencies (TÜRSAB).
