Ramush Haradinaj

Merkel: Dark clouds cast over the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina

In the interview with the correspondents in Berlin, Merkel pointed out that Germany has great interest for European integration of "Serbia and Kosovo", to make progress on this road, but, as she stressed, in order to do that, it is necessary to restore Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Haradinaj: If we do that, I assure you that we will get recognition of independence

In an interview for KTV, he said that "statements of the leaders of political parties, their positions, even different from those in public and in closed meetings," make Kosovo "seem inferior to Serbia."
According to him, Serbia is doing everything to enfeeble Kosovo, while local Kosovo leaders do the same on their part.

"I've heard that Haradinaj advocates disruption of Belgrade-Pristina dialogue"

Still, he added, this suspension cannot last long.
In the interview for the Voice of America, Veseli said that the resolution of Kosovo issue lies in Serbian recognition of Kosovo's independence as, as he said "sovereign state of Kosovo within existing borders". In return, "Kosovo will recognize the Republic of Serbia".

"Solution to all our problems stands in the recognition of Kosovo's independence"

In the interview for portal KoSSev, Haradinaj assessed that Prishtina-Belgrade dialogue wasn't going in the right direction and that its resumption required a framework which he saw in mutual recognition without divisions or annexation as "the solution to all our problems".
