Real property law

Some 96,000 landlord-tenant disputes settled via mediation

More than 96,000 disputes between landlords and tenants were settled through the mandatory mediation scheme, data from the Justice Ministry have shown.

Mandatory mediation for rentals was introduced in September last year. Over the past 9 months, mediators have received a total of 191,276 disputes over rents and managed to resolve 96,461 cases.

Police evacuates squat on Strefi Hill

Greek police reclaimed a municipal building on Strefi Hill, central Athens, from illegal squatters on Thursday as part of continuing efforts to evict individuals who systematically appropriate abandoned buildings and residences.

Officers found and confiscated two helmets and banners, and 174.35 euros, which will be sent to the Deposit and Loans Fund.

Automatic filling of E9 form for donations

From July, the E9 property tax declaration will be filled in automatically for all cases of donations and parental concessions of real estate carried out through the myPROPERTY platform.

The scheme started last year with the automatic completion of the E9 form in cases of real estate sales and was extended to certain cases of parental benefits and donations.

One in three debtors in and out of pay plans

Debts amounting to only 5.5 billion euros have been settled by debtors with dues to the tax authorities, while the total overdue balance exceeds €107 billion. According to the data of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE), 608,000 taxpayers and businesses have 850,625 active arrangements, with the total amount due amounting to €5.5 billion.

Parliament OKs bill to set up new body to 'strengthen' Foreign Ministry

The Turkish parliament has passed an 11-article bill establishing a new foundation aimed at "enhancing the operations and service quality of the Foreign Ministry."
The new foundation, as outlined in the bill, is empowered to purchase, rent and construct all types of movable and immovable properties to support the ministry's functions.
