Refugees of the 2011–2012 Syrian uprising

Turkish deputy PM concerned over growing Syrian refugee population

Deputy Prime Minister Beşir Atalay has sought to allay widening concerns over the growing number of Syrian refugees begging on streets as well as over the cheap labor force provided by the refugees, while calling on provincial administrations to deal with the issue, via assistance from civil society if necessary.

Syrian refugees hold on to life with locals’ help on Istanbul sidewalks

Syrians fleeing their country’s conflict have found some respite in Istanbul, but many compatriots are not so lucky

Syrian families who have fled their country due to ongoing war have found shelter on Istanbul sidewalks and parks, clutching onto life with the help of locals, but others face harsher conditions elsewhere in Turkey.

Turkey urges UN Security council to allow humanitarian access through border crossings under FSA control

The U.N. Security Council authorized on July 14 humanitarian convoys to enter through four border crossings, across Turkey, Iraq and Jordan, without the approval of the government in Damascus. The resolution will allow aid deliveries to take place at Turkey’s Cilvegözü (Bab al-Hawa) and Öncüpınar (Bab al-Salam) border gates into areas held by Syrian rebels.

Police zig-zag begging Syrian migrants across Istanbul’s Bosphorus

Syrian refugees begging in the Eminönü neighborhood of Istanbul were caught by the city’s municipal police on July 7 and offered a free bus trip to the Anatolian side of the city, only to be sent straight back to Eminönü by Kadıköy’s municipal police hours later, according to witnesses.
