Reza Moghadam

IMF's Lipton said progress made on Greece

A top official at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Tuesday there had been progress on Greece and the Fund would like to get to a situation where it could help Greece.

"Some progress has been made," David Lipton, first deputy managing director of the IMF, told reporters in Berlin. "We would like to be in a position to help Greece," he added.


Lagarde: We won’t participate in the Greek program, if there is no debt relief

During IMF-World Bank meeting in Lima, Peru Christine Lagarde was asked about the Greek debt and IMF’s view on whether it is sustainable or not.

Mrs. Lagarde reiterated that the debt of Greece is not sustainable and that the position of IMF regarding Greece’s debt sustainability has not changed since last July, when it published its latest sustainability report.