
Bulgaria Falls Behind the Recovery and Resilience Plan, Says MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk

"Until now, Bulgaria has benefited very little from the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RSP). The last tranche is from December 2022 and is 2.7 billion, in the following two years we have not received any money - to date, this is the first and last tranche for our country".

Sofia Prosecutor’s Office to Investigate Tragic Death of Teenager Killed by High Tension Wire


The Sofia City Prosecutor's Office has launched a probe into the death of a 16-yeaar-old boy on Sunday, who, as show the preliminary reports, was electrocuted on a street in Sofia. The pretrial proceedings are for death by incompetence or negligence in work, the prosecution said.

Abandoned Baby Found in Sofia's Lyulin Neighborhood

An abandoned baby was found last night in the capital's Lyulin neighborhood. The baby is about 7-8 months of age and in good health.

The baby was found in a child car seat with a note - "Give it to the social. Good luck!". She was taken over by the services and housed in the St. Ivan Rilski Home for Social Care in Sofia.

Free Hepatitis C Tests Will be Conducted at the St. St. Rilski Hospital in Sofia

Free hepatitis C tests will be conducted at the St. St. Rilski Hospital in Sofia.

They will be done from 29 May to 19 June from 8 am to 14 pm.

Research is innovative, with an extremely high accuracy of up to 98% and shows a result within just 10 minutes.

 If the test proves to be positive, a new one will be made, reported by the hospital.

Lecture on Azerbaijan's History and Archeology Delivered in Bulgaria's University


Zaur Hasanov, head of the "Antique Period Archaeology" department, Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of ANAS, currently is engaged in the "Knowledge Exchange and Academic Cultures in the Humanities. Europe and the Black Sea Region" Project financed by European Commission's HORIZON 2020 program.

Bulgaria Celebrates Day of National Enlighteners

Today Bulgaria celebrates the Day of National Enlighteners, a feast for all pupils, teachers, students, academics, scholars, community centre workers, scientists and journalists. The day was first celebrated in Plovdiv in 1909. On this day the Orthodox Church pays tribute to the patron of the Bulgarian people, St. Ivan Rilski.

For One More Year Piligrims will Walk the Distance from Sofia to the Rila Monastery

For a ninth consecutive year piligrims will walk the distance from Sofia to the Rila Monastery. Worshippers travel through some of the route that the relics of Saint Ivan Rilski were transferred from Veliko Tarnovo to the Holy Monastery in 1469.
