Russian occupation of Ukraine

Erdoğan backs Ukraine's territorial integrity against Crimea annexation

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has reaffirmed Türkiye's stance against the annexation of Crimea by Russia and pledged solidarity with Ukraine's territorial integrity.

"We express in every platform, especially in the United Nations, that Crimea is a part of Ukraine," Erdoğan stated on Aug. 23, speaking via a video message to attendees of the Third Crimea Platform Summit in Kiev.

Russia says Ukrainian drones hit central Moscow, Crimea

Ukrainian drones hit two buildings in Moscow and an ammunition depot in Russian-annexed Crimea on Monday, Russian officials said, as Ukraine reported another Russian strike on a grain facility.

Russia said it had neutralised two Ukrainian drones over Moscow during the night with no casualties reported.

Terrorist attack. The Russians are clear: they launched an attack

The National Anti-Terrorism Committee claims that the attack was carried out by Ukrainian drones.
"At 3:05 a.m., two Ukrainian drones attacked the Crimean bridge as a result of a terrorist act, part of the pavement on the bridge was damaged. Two adults were killed and one child was injured," the Committee said in a statement.

Dramatic footage tours the world: They were hit, first photos released PHOTO/VIDEO

Let's recall that two people were killed today and one child was injured on the Crimean Bridge, while traffic was stopped due to damage to the roadway, the Russian news agency RIA reported, citing the Ministry of Health of the Krasnodar Region.

Morning in Ukraine. Something happened to the Crimean bridge.
