
Vucic: Under what act does property in BiH belong to central authorities, and not to entities?

BELGRADE - Under what act does public property in Bosnia-Herzegovina belong to the country's central authorities, and not to its entities, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic asked on Tuesday in response to claims from the US embassy in Sarajevo that the conclusions adopted at a recent All-Serbian Assembly in Belgrade were an attack on the Dayton Agreement and Bosnia and Herzegovina state instit

Vucic: US embassy in Sarajevo to get answer to its claims about All-Serbian Assembly

BELGRADE - Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic announced on Monday evening he would on Tuesday respond to claims from the US embassy in Sarajevo that conclusions adopted at the recent All-Serbian Assembly in Belgrade were not a defence of the Dayton Agreement but an attack on that agreement and the state institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Von der Leyen to visit Belgrade Tuesday as part of trip to W Balkans

BRUSSELS - European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will be in Belgrade on Tuesday as part of a four-day visit to the Western Balkans, where she will present the details of an EU growth plan for the region, the EC announced on Friday.

She will arrive in Belgrade on Tuesday afternoon and meet with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and PM Ana Brnabic.

Serbian Photographer Exhibits Frontline Images of Bosnian War

The exhibition, entitled 'My Bosnia', includes pictures that Cvetkovic took in Skelani, Bratunac, Visegrad and around Sarajevo, as well as images of people who escaped to Montenegro as refugees or ended up in Serbia as prisoners.

Cvetkovic's picture of Serbs leaving their homes in the Grbavica and Ilidza settlements of Sarajevo, March 1996. Photo: BIRN.

Sarajevo Mourns Young People Killed in Artillery Attack

People gathered to lay flowers and pay their respects on Bakarevica Street in the Bistrik neighbourhood of Sarajevo on Monday, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the deaths of seven young people and children in an artillery attack.

Mersudin Secerovic, whose older brother Sinanudin was killed on June 26, 1993, said that despite the passage of time, "the wounds stay the same".

From Court to Classroom: Bringing Wartime Facts to Bosnia’s Schools

Pita fainted from shock and later, in hospital, had to listen to her daughter cry while being operated upon without anesthetic because by that time, several months after the start of the war and the siege of Sarajevo, there was a shortage of medical supplies in the city.
