
Rellos & Anastasakis | Athens | February 24

Thodoris Rellos (baritone saxophone, flute, vocals) and Jannis Anastasakis (electric guitar, classical guitar, effects, live-sampling, analog synth bass) present their first joint release, "Horseloverfat," at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center's (SNFCC) Lighthouse venue on Sunday, February 24, starting at 9 p.m.

Lena Platonos | Athens | May 6

Greek electronic music pioneer Lena Platonos, who tweaked classical works by the likes of Manos Hadjidakis into sound never heard before, takes the stage at Six Dogs on Sunday, May 6, for a career-spanning set in which she will be joined by Savina Yannatou, Giannis Palamidas and Stergios Tsirliagos. The show starts at 9 p.m. and admission costs 15 or 12 euros.

World Jazz | Athens | October 8-9

The Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center is hosting two days of world jazz music concerts on Saturday, October 8, and Sunday, October 9. Taking part in the event are artists and ensembles including Savina Yannatou (photo) and Primavera en Salonico, Klezmer Yunan, the Takis Barberis Group and sax soloist David Lynch, as well as Dimitris Vasilakis and Nana Simopoulos.