Second Yugoslavia

Yugoslav Time Travelers Run in Montenegro Poll

A group of self-confessed nostalgics called "Jugoslovenski vremeplov" ("Yugoslav time-machine") on Tuesday will start their campaign to collect signatures of support for participation in the May 25 local elections in Podgorica.

Eleven years after the old Yugoslav federation officially dissolved, they said they aimed to represent all those who carry "the Yugoslav spirit in the heart".

Obradovic: Croatian suit cynical, Serbs are genocide victims

THE HAGUE - The Serbian legal team began presenting its defence arguments concerning Croatia's genocide suit in the continuation of the dispute before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Monday, and in the next few days it will present Serbia's countersuit for the genocide committed against Serbs in Croatia in the clashes from 1991 to 1995.

Croatia did not exhume 400 known gravesites

BELGRADE - Coordination of the Serbian Associations of Families of Missing Persons from the territory of former Yugoslavia stated on Tuesday that the Zagreb government's insistence on resolution of the issue of missing persons in the past war is “insincere and hypocritical”, having in mind that the remains of 400 Serb victims have still not been exhumed from known gravesites in Croatia.
