
Servicers to see sector grow further

The secondary loan market is expected to grow in 2021 and rise far above the 100-billion-euro level, while the new securitizations already announced are set to top €20 billion, the Association of Loan and Credit Claims Management Companies (EEDADP) stated on Thursday, on the occasion of its second birthday.

Piraeus applies to Hercules asset protection scheme

Piraeus Bank has applied to the Hercules asset protection scheme that aims to reduce banks' exposure to nonperforming loans through their securitization.

The application concerns the securitization of Phoenix, a €1.9 billion portfolio of housing loans.

Piraeus' application leaves National Bank as the last of the "big four" Greek retail banks that has not applied to the scheme.

Improving record in loan repayment in May

Loan managers are reporting an improvement in repayments in May, after the debt servicing delays recorded in the second half of March and the whole month of April. The restoration of payment flows signals a gradual return to normality, said Anastasios Panoussis, chief executive officer at Eurobank FPS and head of the Association of Loan Managers, at SmithNovak's European conference.

Alpha Bank tackling NPLs and ‘turning the page’

Alpha Bank's management has designed a strategy to reduce nonperforming loans and transform the group so that it can "turn the page," the lender's CEO Vassilis Psaltis tells Kathimerini, stressing that the Greek economy is on a steady growth path and that the international investment community is regaining faith in the country's prospects.

Eurobank seals FPS sale to doValue

Eurobank subsidiary FPS is set to evolve into one of the biggest companies in its domain in Greece - with a role in the broader market of Southeastern Europe too - now that Italy's doValue, a member of the Fortress Group, has secured an 80 percent stake in the bad-loan management firm.
