Serbian nationalism

Doctor says Seselj continues his chemotherapy treatment

SRS party leader Vojislav Seselj is preparing to start his third of the ten planned chemotherapy treatments, the head of his team of doctors has said.

"We are in the phase of receiving one serious medication from abroad that is used to renew liver cells, and that was used in the past by presidents of states," Milovan Bojic told TV Pink.

Seselj Plans to Revive Radicals in Montenegro

Serbian war crimes defendant Vojislav Seselj plans to re-activate his nationalist party in neighbouring Montenegro ahead of next year's parliamentary elections, the Serbian Radical Party announced on Monday.

The newly-elected leader of the Montenegrin party, Dusko Sekulic, said that it was ready to commit itself to strengthening of the branch in Montenegro.

In Seselj case, "Serbia respects Serbian deadlines"

The Serbian government met on Tuesday but did not discuss the case of Vojislav Seselj, whose return to the detention of the Hague Tribunal has been demanded.

B92 has been told that in this case Serbia will respect its own deadlines, "rather than some unrealistic ones imposed on it." The Hague's Appeals Chamber wanted Seselj back in prison by today, May 26.

Justice Ministry receives Hague Appeals Chamber request

Hague Tribunal Appeals Chamber’s order to deliver Vojislav Seselj back to the detention unit has officially arrived to the Serbian Justice Ministry.

According to Tanjug, Serbian Justice Minister Nikola Selakovic informed Chief Hague Prosecutor Serge Brammertz of this during their meeting in Belgrade on Tuesday.

"Appeals Chamber orders Seselj arrested and extradited"

The Appeals Chamber of the Hague Tribunal is demanding from the Serbian government to arrest Vojislav Seselj and extradite him on May 26, a daily writes.

According to Politika, the Appeals Chamber also said that Seselj's health cannot prevent that, as it would not need to deteriorate at all by his return to the Hague detention.

"Seselj could only be extradited" - lawyer

Hague Tribunal's chief prosecutor will be in Belgrade on Monday when he may clarify how the decision to order Vojislav Seselj back to Hague was made.

Seven months after his return from The Hague, Seselj could soon again could be detained. However, it remains unclear how the Appeals Chamber could make such a decision without the Trial Chamber that has him on trial.
