
Ukrainian Soldier 'Killed' in Crimea, Russia Mulls Sanctions

Tensions increased between Russia and Ukraine after reports of an incident at a naval base in Crimea's capital Simferopol.

Ukraine's military has announced that an officer has been killed in an attack on the base, Interfax news agency has informed. Other news sources suggest he was wounded in the neck.

Athens urges diplomatic effort over Crimea

Armed Russian forces arresting Ukrainian army officers during an operation in Simferopol on Tuesday.

Greece’s prime minister and foreign minister walked a careful line on Tuesday between backing the European Union’s position on Crimea but also insisting that attempts should continue at reaching a diplomatic compromise with Russia over the Ukrainian region.

UN Envoy Harassed in Crimea

A special UN envoy cut short his mission in Crimea after being harassed by armed men and ordered to leave the region, Wednesday.

Robert Serry said the car he was traveling in was blocked by unidentified armed men in camouflage uniforms after he visited the headquarters of the Ukrainian navy in Simferopol.
