Simon Johnson

Synolakis describes how Daron Acemoglu reacted when he learned that he had won the Nobel Prize for Economics: “He went on as if nothing happened”

At the Economist conference in Athens, renowned economist and Nobel Prize winner Daron Acemoglu received the thrilling news of his Nobel win. As shared by Professor Kostas Synolakis, a prominent academic in the field of Natural Disasters, Acemoglu found out about his prize during the conference and handled the moment with remarkable humility.

Synolakis described the event in detail:

Nobel Prize in Economics Awarded for Groundbreaking Research on Institutions and Prosperity

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 2024 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, also known as the Sveriges Riksbank Prize, to Daron Acemoglu, Simon Johnson, and James A. Robinson for their work on the impact of institutions on a country's economic prosperity.