
Police intercept anarchist group headed to TIF, as security tightens

A police patrol on Thursday stopped a car carrying four passengers who had sledge-hammers and gas masks in the trunk of the vehicle. The car was stopped on the northbound lane of the national highway from Athens to Thessaloniki, which is hosting the annual international fair starting this weekend.

Tsipras to meet US Commerce Secretary

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras meets Friday in Thessaloniki with US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, banking on the American official's endorsement of the Greek economy.

Ross is due to represent the United States at the annual Thessaloniki Trade Fair (TIF) which begins Saturday and where the US will be the honored country.

Elections in sight

Greece is in pre-election mode. You can smell it in the air. The gears of the state's machinery, which have never been fast anyway, are grinding to a halt, along with the decision-making system.

A bit of humility would have been more appropriate

It was only natural for a prime minister who likes to treat politics as an exercise in spin. Particularly in light of the devastating incompetence displayed by his leftist-led government and the state apparatus during the July wildfires, which Maximos Mansion tried to cover up with public relations stunts and staged interviews.
