Slobodan Milošević
Serb Ex-Policeman Claims Alibi for Kosovo Family’s Killings
Former police officer Zlatan Krstic told his war crimes trial at Pristina Basic Court on Thursday that he was in Serbia when four Kosovo Albanians, all members of the same family, were killed in an attack on the village of Nerodime e Eperme/Donje Nerodimlje by Serbian forces in March 1999.
In Kosovo, War Prisoners Campaign to Save Their Old Jail
He recalls that it was a warm evening when the detainees were brought to the prison in the village of Gurrakoc/Djurakovac, which was already overcrowded with inmates. The violent abuse started immediately.
Montenegro: Another Year Spent Ignoring the Wartime Past
As part of Yugoslavia, Montenegro took part directly in the wars in Croatia and Bosnia under the leadership of Slobodan Milosevic.
Final Verdict in Ratko Mladic’s Trial Set for May 2021
The president of the UN's International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in The Hague, Carmel Agius, told the UN Security Council on Monday evening that the final verdict in the case against wartime Bosnian Serb military chief Ratko Mladic is due in May next year.
Serbian Mine Gives up Dark Secret of Kosovo War
There are no road signs pointing to the mine, which is surrounded by forests and fields. Nor are there many houses on the way. But Kizevak is currently a hive of activity.
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Next Sarajevo Mayor Raises Hopes of Bosnia’s Civic Rebirth
Famous for his critical role during the breakup of the former Yugoslavia, 63-year-old Bogic Bogicevic faces huge challenges as he returns from political retirement to take up the important position of Mayor of Bosnia's capital, Sarajevo.
Bogicevic is expected to be formally elected to the position within the next month or so, as soon as the local election results are validated.
Kosovo to Transform Jail for Political Prisoners into Museum
But last week, Kosovo's government decided to reopen it for visitors and to begin transforming it into a museum. The government tasked a team of officials from Ministry of Culture, including cultural heritage experts, to analyse what is needed and prepare the building for reopening.
Montenegrin Parliament to House War Crime Document Centre
Montenegrin troops were involved in besieging the Croatian city of Dubrovnik in 1991. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Bracodbk.
Evidence Reveals Serbian Officers’ Role in Kosovo Massacre was Ignored
From their home on a hill, they saw buildings burning. At sunset, a battalion of Serbian police surrounded people's houses.
Krasniqi's eyes filled with tears as he recalled the moment when troops seized his brothers Pashk and Mark and his uncle Pjeter.
Animating History: Kosovo Women’s War Stories on Film
Hoxha, who spends her time drawing, creating animation and working at a local all-female design studio, launched her animated short film, 'Kush mytet kapet per shkume' ('The One Who's Drowning Holds on to the Foam'), in December 2019.