
Snake attempts to “hitch” a ride on motorbike! (video)

Riding a motorcycle definitely has some great advantages like being able to manoeuvre in traffic and reaching your destination faster. But there are some disadvantages too like being constantly exposed to the weather elements, or even snakes….Just ask this rider, who lifted his legs at the last minute as a snake attempted to bite while he was riding his motorbike.

Shocking anaconda attacks against humans (warning: graphic video)

The following video is not for the faint-hearted. If you cannot stomach snakes attacking people do not watch! It features some of the most terrifying attacks by anacondas on humans caught on camera. The moral of the story is simply avoid messing with these giant reptiles no matter how safe or controlled you might think the environment is.

Scientists rediscover a snake used by ancient Greeks as a war weapon

Scientists in Italy have rediscovered a type of snake which was used by the ancient Greeks as a weapon of war during sea battles.

They used to throw it at their enemies so as to create panic and confusion.

The Javelin Sand Boa, officially known as Eryx jaculus, had not been recorded in Italy for 80 years, as Telegraph reports.

US naturalist battles with snake for TV, but not eaten alive as promised

When naturalist Paul Rosolie wanted to focus attention on the destruction of the Amazon rainforest, he decided he needed a stunt guaranteed to get people looking.
So the staunch environmentalist offered himself as dinner to an anaconda -- and was prepared to be swallowed alive, filming every moment.

Two-headed snake under quarantine in Antalya

A young two-headed snake found by a farmer in the Balck Sea province of Giresun has been brought to Antalya and is being kept under quarantine at a reptile house.

The snake, which belongs to genus Coluber, is being kept in a special room, where the heat and the humidity are kept constant at 27 degrees Celsius and 55 percent, respectively, with the help of a computerized system.

Deadly Yugoslav Snakes Spark Panic in London

It is hard to imagine cold, wet London being a very comfortable home to exotic reptiles.

But, according to the London Independent, at least 30 tree-climbing Aesculupian snakes, which hail from the Balkans and can grow up to two metres in length, have been spotted in recent weeks in the Regent’s Canal area, which adjoins London Zoo.
