Social Democratic Party of Croatia

Who is the new president of Croatia and how the Serbs remember him for

He defeated incumbent President Colinda Grabar Kitarovic in the second round of the presidential election by more than 105,000 votes.
After 99.85 percent of polling stations processed, the former prime minister won 52.70 percent or 1,031,204 votes, while Grabar Kitarovic won 47.30 percent and 925,764 votes, respectively.

Croatian Ex-PM Imagines 'Grand Coalition' in New Book

Croatia needs a grand coalition of its two biggest parties - the Social Democratic Party and conservative HDZ - in order to put to rest an "irrational and meaningless" conflict over the country's 20th-century history and focus on more pressing issues, former Prime Minister Ivo Sanader says in his new book.

Croatian Conservatives Protest Against Anti-Violence Treaty

Over 10,000 protesters from all over Croatia, as well as from Bosnia and Herzegovina, gathered on Thursday evening in the centre of the coastal city of Split to protest against Zagreb's upcoming ratification Council of Europe's Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, widely known as the Istanbul Convention.
