Solar Impulse

Bad Weather Forces Solar Impulse into Emergency Landing

An unscheduled stop of the Solar Impulse plane in Japan has hampered its bid to break a world record.

"Decision taken for intermediate landing in Nagoya & wait for better conditions," Bertrand Piccard, the initiator of the venture who has been developing the solar-powered plane for years, announced on Twitter as the the plane was en route to Hawaii from China.

Solar Plane Completes 2nd Leg of Round-the-Globe Trip

Solar Impulse 2, the aircraft powered only by sunlight, has landed in India on Tuesday after covering about 1,500 kilometres during a 15-hour flight from Oman.

The Swiss-built  single-seat airctaft that weighs only 2,300 kilogrammes, landed in Ahmedabad where it will make a four-day stopover before flying off to Varanasi, in northeastern India. 

Solar plane starts second leg of epic round-the-world bid

Solar Impulse 2 took off from Oman March 10 bound for India, on the second leg of its epic bid to become the first plane to fly around the world powered solely by the sun.
The aircraft took off from Muscat at 6.35 am (0235 GMT) for what is expected to be a 16-hour, 1,465 kilometre (910 mile) journey over the Arabian Sea to Ahmedabad in India.
