
Bulgarian Govt Proposes to Ban Sale of Two Key Arms Firms

The Bulgarian government has proposed to ban the sale of arms manufacturer VMZ-Sopot and arms trader Kintex on account of their major importance for national security.

Draft legislation to put the two wholly-state owned companies on the list of enterprises banned for privatisation would be submitted to parliament for approval, the cabinet decided at a weekly meeting on Wednesday.

Bulgaria Socialists Oppose Sale of Arms Firms

Two of Bulgaria's major state-owned arm companies, the producer VMZ-Sopot and the exporter Kintex, are to be privatized over the next three years, according to a mid-term economic forecast of the Ministry of Finance.

The privatization plan foresees selling VMZ-Sopot, which is the biggest arm producer in Bulgaria, in 2018, and Kintex in 2019.

Trade Unions See Bankruptcy Push at Bulgarian Arms Plant VMZ Sopot

The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) has claimed that the arms plant VMZ Sopot is being pushed towards bankruptcy aimed at change of ownership.

Trade union representatives at the military plant believe that it will not be possible to pay the salaries and social security contributions of some 2500 military plant workers.
