Soup kitchen

Greek street magazine eyes subscriptions, food coupons to help sellers

Greece's street magazine Schedia has set out a plan to support its sellers now that the measures taken to halt the spread of the new coronavirus in the country have taken a toll on its sales or shut down soup kitchens on which homeless and vulnerable individuals depended on.

Greek NGO still fights food waste, malnutrition, bridging donors with charities in post-bailout

Eight years ago as debt-laden Greece was almost sinking into a humanitarian crisis, and soup kitchens started sprouting across the country, a group of friends joined forces to help bridge donors with charities to make the most of the wave of solidarity, fighting food waste and protecting the environment at the same time.

Greek poverty deepens during seven years of austerity

Over the past seven years, austerity has left visible scars in Greece's capital. A walk around Athens reveals more homeless people than ever despite some signs of a rosier economic outlook. Thousands of shops, mostly small businesses, are shuttered here and across the country. In what used to be a busy shopping arcade, closed stores are padlocked against a backdrop of hanging Greek flags.

Elixir Group continues to help soup kitchens in Kosovo

Elixir Group from Sabac is, now traditionally, helping soup kitchens in Kosovo by providing assistance to the Majka Devet Jugovica organization.

This NGO operates within the SPC Diocese of Raska and Prizren, and every day helps more than 3,000 poorest citizens in the Kosovo Pomoravlje District, and in the enclaves.