
Souvlaki price to increase by 10-15 percent

Souvlaki, the traditional Greek fast food popular among locals and visitors alike, will soon suffer a 10-15 percent price hike, kebab shop owners are warning.

The reason for this sudden increase - which could take prices up to 3 euros per pitta-wrapped kebab - is the significant rise in the price of pork, which the meat industries and kebab shop owners can no longer absorb.

Hospital workers, cleaners protest expiring contracts in Athens rally

Members of the national union of public hospital workers (POEDIN) and cleaners from Dromokaitio psychiatric hospital held a protest rally outside the Parliament on Thursday, requesting the renewal of their expiring contracts.
One lane on main Vassilisis Sofias avenue was blocked, disrupting traffic on Syntagma square.

Business mentality stuck in the past

New businesses opening up in Greece continue to be focused on catering and entertainment rather than the sectors of manufacturing or technology. According to a report by Endeavor Greece published in Kathimerini on February 2, after eight years of recession, the Greeks that can still invest are putting their money into new cafes, bars and souvlaki joints, while factories are closing.

What to eat while watching election results

A day of monumental significance, a day in which the future of our country takes a turn one or the other, it’s election day and most people will gather home and watch the election results.

And since there is no Greek gathering without food, see some ideas of what you can quickly and easily prepare for all of your family and friends.

Greek salad
