
Serbia Claims EU 'Hypocrisy' Over Catalan Vote


Serbia's president says the European Union has shown "double standards and hypocrisy" in rejecting the Catalan referendum but not the independence of ex-Serbian province of Kosovo.

Aleksandar Vucic said Monday his government supports the territorial integrity of Spain, one of five EU member nations that have not recognized Kosovo.

Catalonia Has 'Won Right to Statehood'

Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont says the Spanish region has won the right to statehood following a contentious referendum that was marred by violence, reported BBC. 

He said the door had been opened to a unilateral declaration of independence.

Catalan officials later said 90% of those who voted backed independence in Sunday's vote. The turnout was 42.3%.

Dacic visits Zaragoza

ZARAGOZA - Serbian First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic on Tuesday met with Violeta Barba Borderias, parliament speaker of Spain's autonomous region of Aragon, on the first day of his visit to the city of Zaragoza.

They exchanged views on current political processes in Spain, Serbia and Aragon, the Serbian Foreign Ministry said.

Catalonia Аhead of Мore Planned Protests by Referendum Supporters

Tensions are high in the Spanish region of Catalonia ahead of more planned protests by referendum supporters.

Overnight, police occupied the region's economy ministry as hundreds of protesters remained outside.

Catalan economy minister Josep Maria Jové was one of more than a dozen senior officials detained by authorities on Wednesday.

Spanish Government Maintains Security Alert Level, Says No Attack Imminent

Spain will maintain its security alert level at 4, one notch below the maximum level which would signal an attack was imminent, after two deadly attacks in the northeastern region of Catalonia this week, Interior Minister Juan Ignacio Zoido said, cited by Reuters.
