
3 volunteers protect sea turtles’ nests for 25 years

The nesting and spawning phase of sea turtles in southern province of Antalya's Çıralı Beach has been protected by three volunteers for 25 years.

Sea turtles come to this beach every year to nest and lay their eggs. The new-born turtles that meet with the sea do not forget the beach where they opened their eyes to the world and come back years later and build their nests.

Amazing underwater footage shows how octopus eggs hatch (vid)

The female octopus meticulously takes care of her eggs until they hatch, not eating the entire time. She blows current across the eggs to keep them clean and protects them from predators. They incubate from two to 10 months depending on the species and water temperature and are on their own once they hatch, giving them a 1% survival rate.