
Nikos Marantzidis – Book: Life of Greek Communists in “People’s Democracies” After the Civil War”

Nikos Marantzidis’ signature on a work of political and social history, like the newly published “Between Loyalty and Suspicion” (Alexandria Press), guarantees scientific rigor and often originality. Despite his alliance with SYRIZA (before Kasselakis) prior to the 2023 elections and his newfound admiration for Alexis Tsipras, Marantzidis continues to produce prolific scholarly work.

Albanians Want Secret Police Files Opened, Poll Finds

According to a poll published on Wednesday, 83 per cent of Albanian support opening up the files of the Communist-era secret police, known as the Sigurimi.

Roughly 71 per cent of respondents to the poll said if the files were opened to the public, public institutions should be "lustrated" of former agents or collaborators of the Sigurimi.