Strike action

Before strikes, what?

Strikes are a big thing. So big, indeed, that they become the top news item in the media in all healthy democracies. And the rarer a mass mobilization is, the greater its impact. Strikes, walkouts, marches and other such protests are not just the subject of police bulletins about street closures; they bring the demands that are at stake into the public dialogue.

Teachers and professors to strike on Wednesday – How schools will operate

The entire educational community, including the Federation of Secondary Education Teachers (OLME), the Greek Primary Teachers’ Federation (DOE), the Federation of Private School Teachers (OIELE), and the Federation of Special Education Staff (POSEEPEA), will join the strike.

Ferry crews call off strike early ahead of long weekend

Ferry crews have curtailed a four-day strike by several hours, announcing they would go back on the job in the early Friday afternoon instead of at midnight.

The strike had threatened to disrupt the travel plans of thousands of citizens heading to islands for a long weekend ahead of the October 28 national holiday on Monday.
